Read Astronomy Pack Ian Ridpath Wil Tirion 9780785835745 Books

The stars have never seemed closer than they do with the Astronomy Pack. Suitable for use in the Northern Hemisphere, the pack contains four essential items to introduce the beginner to the fascinating hobby of astronomy a 'glow-in-the-dark' planisphere, an 80-page paperback book about the stars and planets, a colorful moon map, and newly updated start chart.
Glow-in-the-Dark Planisphere This planisphere has been specially made so that, after being held under a bright light, the stars and the names and shapes of the constellations will glow in the dark for a period. It is both a fun and practical star finder for identifying the stars and constellations visible on any night of the year from the US and Southern Canada (42 degrees North); the star map is drawn by the well-known celestial cartographer Wil Tirion. A sheet explaining how to use the planisphere is included in the pack.
Exploring Stars and Planets A colorful and entertaining introduction to the exciting world of astronomy, this 80-page paperback is illustrated with more than 200 color photographs, artworks and maps, as the author Ian Ridpath describes the latest developments in the fast-moving fields of space exploration and astronomy. Concise chapters introduce the Sun, the Earth and all the other planets in our Solar System. Then, moving further into space, the author examines the stars and galaxies, and explores the origin of the Universe.
Star Chart This Star Chart shows the stars and constellations of the night sky in three superb maps the northern and southern hemispheres, and the equatorial region. All stars visible with the naked eye are shown, with the brightest stars shown in their true colours. Fainter star clusters and nebulae are marked for observers using binoculars or small telescopes. Constellations, double stars and variable stars are also listed, and an informative accompanying text explains how to use the charts throughout the year, at any latitude. In a convenient folded format, Star Chart is suitable for use in both northern and southern latitudes.
Moon Map In a convenient folded format, the Moon Map is a superbly detailed, large-format map of the near (visible) side of the Moon. Specially drawn for by Dr John Murray, an expert on the lunar surface, the map is not only a highly accurate and clear representation of the Moon but is also a practical guide for lunar observers. More than 500 physical features - craters, seas, mountain ranges, peaks, valleys and rilles (elongated depressions) - are named and indexed, and the landing sites of unmanned and manned spacecraft are also marked. The observer can thus readily identify objects seen through binoculars or a telescope, or pick targets for a program of observation.;The accompanying text is a practical guide to Moonwatching, which explains how to use the map and highlights the most interesting lunar features. Close-up images of some of these objects show what the observer can expect to see. Also included are photographs of the Moon at each daily stage and a smaller map of the far side, as revealed by satellites. Guidelines on drawing or photographing the Moon are also included.
Glow-in-the-Dark Planisphere This planisphere has been specially made so that, after being held under a bright light, the stars and the names and shapes of the constellations will glow in the dark for a period. It is both a fun and practical star finder for identifying the stars and constellations visible on any night of the year from the US and Southern Canada (42 degrees North); the star map is drawn by the well-known celestial cartographer Wil Tirion. A sheet explaining how to use the planisphere is included in the pack.
Exploring Stars and Planets A colorful and entertaining introduction to the exciting world of astronomy, this 80-page paperback is illustrated with more than 200 color photographs, artworks and maps, as the author Ian Ridpath describes the latest developments in the fast-moving fields of space exploration and astronomy. Concise chapters introduce the Sun, the Earth and all the other planets in our Solar System. Then, moving further into space, the author examines the stars and galaxies, and explores the origin of the Universe.
Star Chart This Star Chart shows the stars and constellations of the night sky in three superb maps the northern and southern hemispheres, and the equatorial region. All stars visible with the naked eye are shown, with the brightest stars shown in their true colours. Fainter star clusters and nebulae are marked for observers using binoculars or small telescopes. Constellations, double stars and variable stars are also listed, and an informative accompanying text explains how to use the charts throughout the year, at any latitude. In a convenient folded format, Star Chart is suitable for use in both northern and southern latitudes.
Moon Map In a convenient folded format, the Moon Map is a superbly detailed, large-format map of the near (visible) side of the Moon. Specially drawn for by Dr John Murray, an expert on the lunar surface, the map is not only a highly accurate and clear representation of the Moon but is also a practical guide for lunar observers. More than 500 physical features - craters, seas, mountain ranges, peaks, valleys and rilles (elongated depressions) - are named and indexed, and the landing sites of unmanned and manned spacecraft are also marked. The observer can thus readily identify objects seen through binoculars or a telescope, or pick targets for a program of observation.;The accompanying text is a practical guide to Moonwatching, which explains how to use the map and highlights the most interesting lunar features. Close-up images of some of these objects show what the observer can expect to see. Also included are photographs of the Moon at each daily stage and a smaller map of the far side, as revealed by satellites. Guidelines on drawing or photographing the Moon are also included.
Read Astronomy Pack Ian Ridpath Wil Tirion 9780785835745 Books
"Maps and more maps, star charts, clear text, gorgeous photographs - this book is so polished it looks as though I should have paid 4 times as much. An incredible value for a fabulous book!"
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Tags : Buy Astronomy Pack on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders,Ian Ridpath, Wil Tirion,Astronomy Pack,Chartwell Books,0785835741,Astronomy,Reference,Space Science,Astronomy; star gazing; stars; moons; planets; astronomy 101; what is astronomy; northern hemisphere skywatching; skywatching; hubble telescope; ?constellations; the night sky; tonight's sky; plannisphere; moon map; star chart; atronomy; warp drive; sky atlas; speed of light; solar ecplipse; astrony; planet x; astronamy; astromony; astronomy for beginners; hubble telescope; mercury; jupiter; mars; saturn; neptune; uranus; solar system; venus; space,General Adult,Non-Fiction,SCI/TECH,Science,Science / Astronomy,Science / Reference,Science / Space Science,Science/Math,Science/Mathematics,Science/Reference,Science/Space Science,Sale Books
Astronomy Pack Ian Ridpath Wil Tirion 9780785835745 Books Reviews :
Astronomy Pack Ian Ridpath Wil Tirion 9780785835745 Books Reviews
- Maps and more maps, star charts, clear text, gorgeous photographs - this book is so polished it looks as though I should have paid 4 times as much. An incredible value for a fabulous book!
- Informative book with posters included. My son loves it!