» Read Fostering Faust Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Randi Darren Stephanie Savannah Books
Sisca R. Bakara on Saturday, May 25, 2019
Read Fostering Faust Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Randi Darren Stephanie Savannah Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 13 hours and 12 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Randi Darren
- Audible.com Release Date March 26, 2019
- Whispersync for Voice Ready
- Language English, English

Fostering Faust Book 2 Audible Audio Edition Randi Darren Stephanie Savannah Books Reviews
- So, imma do the review in two parts; a spoilerfree freeform one-off, where i just say what i think (again, no spoilers), followed up by a more structured breakdown of the story; not everything there will have spoilers, and if there are, I am going to put a spoiler-tag on it. K. K? K.
So, Fostering Faust 2 is great - it delivers on the premise of the world, got tons more character-growth, got some interesting new characters, an okay plot that, while not the highlight of the book, is still interesting and manages to make some great plot-hooks for the next books, and actually moves the world along.
The actual writing, from a technical standpoint, was great, tho there were a few places that sentences got cut off at what i felt was weird places, mostly when the MC went off on tangents in his thoughts. Besides that, the writing is top-notch quality, as always when it comes to Arand/Darren.
If you liked the original, this is definately a book for you. If you thought the first was so/so, well, I'd still give this a chance. If you didn't like the original, I'm not sure why you are even here - but probably, this book isn't for you.
Okay, so, lets get some structure on this.
As mentioned above, the writing is great; while there are a few hiccups here and there, it's nothing that takes away from the experience. Besides that, the writing is both descriptive enough to paint a clear picture of what's going on, yet short enough that you don't get tired of reading the same thing over and over and over. Overall great technical skill here.
This time around, the story takes us a little bit around the world (which, i beilieve, is still unnamed). It extrapolates on how the world works, the power structures and even goes into how the map outside the country the MC lives in looks like; overall, great work here.
So, the story. Personally, I see the story in this book to actually be secondary to everything else; thats not to say it's bad - quite contrary, I really like it. The story never stops, and everything that happens storywise moves the plot along at a fairly comfortable pace, and hints at stuff that is going to happen in later books. More than anything, though, it the story raises everything else up another degree.
Characters (Minor spoilers)
This - this is where the book reaaaaally shines. When writing a Harem book, more so than a lot of other genres, its important that each character stands on their own, to some degree; this book does so masterfully.
All the numbers from the earlier books show up, including some new ones; likewise, new non-number characters shows up.
And boy, does the characters grow; not only does a lot of the previous characters i felt either meh or antagonistic towards change for the better, they became freakign awesome. Arand/Darren manages to make each character keep their core-traits, whilst still exploring them and growing them, including the MC.
So, the Meta. Most people reading this book probably already know that Arand/Darren got this whole Meta narrative where he fletches his world together; he hinted at it in the previous book, but he straight up told it in this book, as well as hinting some more at how the overall meta-narrative works together. That's not a bad thing, mind; we get to see more of Leah, which is quickly becoming a personal favorite of mine, and she spickles meta-knowledge around like tasty toppings on an already freaking great story.
Anyways, to summerise, I am a big freaking fan - First and foremost I hate reviews, there's a reason I am a reader and not an author. I have no talent for things like this, but this book is sooooo good that I would be doing an incredible disservice to this incredible author if I didn't leave one!!!
This book is everything a sequel should be, it builds off what the first book laid out and enhances it. We see character growth, and development in the world that has been created. Seamless would be the best descriptor for this book. The author is a true spinner of tales and gives us a book that perfectly balances action, intrigue, espionage, lots and lots of sex, and so much more!!!
Yes, this book contains graphic and lewd scenes, explicit sex is a must for this story. He does it in a way that doesn't detract from the story. Sex and lust and love, encouragement, praise, and punishment; all of these are tools that our MC uses to not only bring his Numbered together, build them up, and help them become more than what they would have been otherwise. These are also tools that he uses to break his foes, and turn situations to his favor.
Buy this book!!!!! - Author is unique in fantasy with his main character choices. MC is powerful because he THINKS, such a rare and wonderful thing in fantasy! no one else would have the MC be a displaced CEO, but Mr Darren shows how that mindset and skillset which is actually pretty all-powerful in our world, can lead to success and victory in a fantasy setting. If you like INTELLIGENT plot and mc action, and an average but smart mc that really could be you, this is your book. Yeah there is harem, but this book is massively more defined by a guy using his brain and not a sword, than anything else. Fantastic, the whole deal with the devil thing just brings it to another level of excellence. No one else is in this space of "smart hero fantasy". Read it!