PDF Edge of Darkness The Complete Edge Series edition by CD Reiss Romance eBooks

Her husband returns from the war a dark, rough, dominant man.
He's no longer content to just love her.
He needs to possess her.
As Caden's roughness hits new heights, so does Greyson's pleasure. She's falling in love with a man she never married---a man whose very existence is a mystery, and one she's hell-bent on destroying.
This bundle contains every word from all five books of the Edge Series.
PDF Edge of Darkness The Complete Edge Series edition by CD Reiss Romance eBooks
"Wow! I just finished this book and I cannot think of what to say right now. What a fantastic book. The only reason this didn't get a five star review for me is because I felt the ending was a little rushed.
This book was way more than a romance novel. It was a lesson in humanity, love, sex, emotions, personalities, and much more. I feel totally drained emotionally. The whole topic of dissociative identity disorder has got me consumed right now. Even though the characters faced this due to drugs they were given, this is a serious condition that is just fascinating. The emotions expressed between Caden and Greysen are unbelievable. Their love so deep it can conquor shattered conciuosness. Obviously this is a fiction novel, but I really felt part of their story and hated to see it end at the same time I couldn't wait for it to be over. This is definitely a book that I won't forget any time soon."
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Tags : Edge of Darkness The Complete Edge Series - edition by CD Reiss. Romance eBooks @ .,ebook,CD Reiss,Edge of Darkness The Complete Edge Series,Fiction / Romance / Suspense,Fiction / Romance / Contemporary
Edge of Darkness The Complete Edge Series edition by CD Reiss Romance eBooks Reviews :
Edge of Darkness The Complete Edge Series edition by CD Reiss Romance eBooks Reviews
- I've read all of CD Reiss's books. Loved them all. But this series blew me away. Maybe because I have ties to the military (I am a landscape photographer and have been doing nature art for stress relief in Dod hospitals for more than 30 years); I have a friend who was the CO at Balad during the offensives. Another friend got shot down in his Blackhawk when he was en route to deliver medical care to Iraqui kids. I have been the artist at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in GE where all the military (and some of the contractors) go from the midEast conflicts for the past 15 years, spending time there hearing the planes bringing wounded from down range. I have done all the "behavioral health" units built in the last decades - mostly in-patient psych lockdown wards for guys with PTSD. So to have this set in Iraq, with the couple dealing with PTSD.... it meant a lot to me, personally. People should read this. I don't know how Christine got so far into the heads of the people in the book, but she nailed it. It's a romance, it's kinky at times (aren't we all), and it's an emotionally moving experience. I recommend it not only to romance readers, but to people who want to have a hint of what our men and women in uniform have been going through for far too long. I'm having my husband (who has also been to all the DoD projects) read it too - and he's a Stephen King / Dean Koontz kind of guy. If it doesn't affect him too, I'll be surprised. Read the books. Read them again. Tell everyone you know. This is a romance disguising Patriotism and Humanity. Kudos, Christine. Love.
- As confusing as the characters relationship could get due to their mental states and as questionable as I thought some of the military aspects might be not as correct as my husband might have wanted ( he was prior army), I still couldn't give anything less than 5 stars. After reading I was confused, conflicted and didn't know what to think of this book, and even having those feelings about it I am giving 5 stars. Over 800 pages for free with KU is a steal, and this story is a lot better in a lot of ways than the 'best sellers' that say they are the next FSOG. I feel this has beat them all including FSOG and is in a class by itself. The author really made you feel for these characters and they were relatable to me as a former army wife, even if the situations and details weren't always relatable. It was thought provoking, sexy, deep, romantic, suspenseful, dramatic and on point. I picked this up expecting another FSOG/erotica novel and got way more than I thought I would. ( I give FSOG a 3 out of 5). A love story with duty and valor not just to their country but to each other. Reiss is not just a master of this dark romance thing, but at telling a story and creating a remarkable journey for characters and readers. I'm so glad she has decided to make this one. Maybe this is just the confusion and indecision talking, but when I compare it to other books I've read in this genre, I have to put it at #1. Read it.
( I've read books from steel brothers saga 1,2,3 , first 3 buttons books, obsidian series, bared to you sylvia day, masters and mercenaries series, Giulia Lagomarsino, Susan Stoker, Deep and Deeper Jaine Diamond, Donna Michaels, Lorelei James, Kristen Ashley, Dahlia West, Kennedy Layne, Shay Savage, Undeniable series by Madeline Sheehan, explosive series Tessa Teevan, Lora Leigh, Kallypso Masters, julie ann walker, Marysol James, Beloved Corinne Michaels, and all 5 FSOG, to name some.) - Wow! I just finished this book and I cannot think of what to say right now. What a fantastic book. The only reason this didn't get a five star review for me is because I felt the ending was a little rushed.
This book was way more than a romance novel. It was a lesson in humanity, love, sex, emotions, personalities, and much more. I feel totally drained emotionally. The whole topic of dissociative identity disorder has got me consumed right now. Even though the characters faced this due to drugs they were given, this is a serious condition that is just fascinating. The emotions expressed between Caden and Greysen are unbelievable. Their love so deep it can conquor shattered conciuosness. Obviously this is a fiction novel, but I really felt part of their story and hated to see it end at the same time I couldn't wait for it to be over. This is definitely a book that I won't forget any time soon. - I've been blown away by this series. It's relatively dark, but in a consensual way as between the protagonists, Caden and Greyson. Its psychological and emotional depth is extreme and, in at least one instance, totally unexpected.
The love shared by Caden and Greyson is definitely the thing books and movies are made of. There is seemingly nothing either of them wouldn't do for the other. They are two imperfect souls living in a very imperfect world. Yet, their imperfections compliment each other and, the simple fact that they were able to identify their synergy and continue to love and support each other through the most trying of times and circumstances, speaks volumes to their belief that they were MFEO (made for each other - and, yes, that's intended to quote 'Sleepless in Seattle').
This was a phenomenal series and I'm truly glad I came upon it once it was complete. I don't know how I would have been able to wait in between publishing dates otherwise. My only criticism is that because the timelines between and within chapters, jumped around a lot (which worked quite well and, I believe, was necessary for the telling of the story), I occasionally got out of sync about exactly where in the overall timeline of the story a specific incident occurred. In which case, I had to back page to determine the answer, breaking the flow of my reading enjoyment. I'm not sure whether, if or how this could have been fixed, and it wasn't a serious enough issue to even make me consider reducing its rating. Regardless, inasmuch as I'd definitely have given the series more than 5 stars to begin with, if it were possible, it doesn't really matter.