» Read Online World Class Barbecue Michael Jay Sinelli 9781500808648 Books
Sisca R. Bakara on Monday, May 20, 2019
Read Online World Class Barbecue Michael Jay Sinelli 9781500808648 Books

Product details - Paperback 128 pages
- Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (September 24, 2014)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1500808644

World Class Barbecue Michael Jay Sinelli 9781500808648 Books Reviews
- World Class Barbecue is a must have for the novice smoker as well as the experienced one. For the novice there’s the chapter titled The Immediate Feast. This clearly lays out the agenda, list of ingredients, needed tools (which are minimal), and step-by-step directions, including time sequences, for easily preparing and serving an excellent BBQ dinner for family and friends. For the more experienced smoker who enjoys investing time smoking the ultimate BBQ dinner, there are killer recipes for rubs, and marinades, chapters on tools and best wood to use for smoking, along with superior guidelines for smoking pork, sausage (which you will learn to hand mix and pack—truly an event all unto itself), ribs, poultry, brisket, and fish. These guidelines will elevate the experienced smoker to extraordinary smoker. It’s quite possible one could become eligible for membership into the American Smoking Society-Hickory Only (ASS-HO).
Apart from all of the academia in World Class Barbecue is the wonderful humor that Sinelli infuses throughout the book. Although smokers are serious about their BBQ, they are not generally serious folks. Sinelli is able to weave these two dynamics together masterfully. This is a great read on many levels and I highly recommend it. It would be a great Father’s Day gift! - I'm not a reader and not a barbecuer. This book was perfect for me. It was an easy, delightful read. Read the whole thing flying from Newark to San Diego. I have a Traeger Grill/Smoker. One of my neighbors said she loved smoked salmon. Could I make some for dinner and invite them? I knew the second I finished the book I could do it. Most importantly, I knew it was easy, even for me, and it would be wonderful as Mr. Sinelli promises. I did and it was. As he says everyone thinks its hard to make delicious, melt-in-your-mouth barbecue. As he also says that's not true if you have his book. My neighbors loved the salmon. The trouble is, now they want brisket. Back to Sinelli's book. I bought ten books and sent them out as gifts.
- This is a FANTASTIC Book for the First Timer all the way to the Cagey Veteran with incredible recipes for everything under the BBQ umbrella...including sides! I have tried a couple of the rubs already and they are out of sight! For anyone that enjoys TRUE Barbecue, this book is a must.
- I know the author and love his food
- I have been a competitive Q’er for years. This book not only presents some great advice for the beginner but us vets can learn a thing or four from it as well. Humor and a fun read along with great ideas – what a way to learn. Thanks E.H.Q.
- This is a great book on barbecue and it is hilarious. I used the exact recipes to smoke pulled pork, bisket and a turkey for 25 friends. it was a terriffic feast.
- What a great book and guide for BBQ, doesn't matter if this is your first time or you are a seasoned expert. A must have for the recipes! Enjoy!
- "Ask your butcher to remove the membrane...", not a man's BBQ book. This book is difficult to follow and often makes no sense. The books reads like it was dictated into a recording device during a succession of inebriated intervals. The seemingly extemporaneous passages form paragraphs with no relation from one to the next. One theme is shouted throughout the entire book, which I won't dignify by mentioning it. Let's just say titling this book as "World Class Cake Making" would have done a better job at reaching his target audience.