PDF The Birds of the Bible Gene StrattonPorter 9783849689124 Books

Gene Stratton-Porter, the Indiana novelist and bird lover, offers the fruits of several years' loving labor in “Birds of the Bibleâ€, a handsome volume. The riches of bird lore that Mrs. Porter has unearthed will surprise anyone who opens the book. "Birds of the Bible " is designed for all lovers of birds in general, and lovers of Bible birds and Bible poetry in particular. It contains every reference made to birds in the Bible describes the location, and explains the characteristics of the bird. In this book, the author, one of the most successful writers of her days, both as a naturalist and a novelist, has made her greatest effort to do something worth while for the world, having given three years to the preparation of the text.
PDF The Birds of the Bible Gene StrattonPorter 9783849689124 Books
"My daughter has autism and she has developed an intense interest in birds and ornithology. Our family has also been very much involved in church, spiritual development, and Bible studies. So naturally, we were drawn to this title - birds and the Bible. And for just 99 cents as an e-book - why not?
For a serious student of the Bible, this book is almost worthless. The author doesn't seem to understand, or make distinctions between, actual Scriptural references and apocryphal stories. She also stumbles back and forth between evolutionary ideas and creations accounts - not seeming to understand either. Now maybe the material is dated, since she wrote in the early 1900s. Moreover, she spends almost as much time waxing philosophical about Greek mythology and other miscellaneous topics, as she does on the topic at hand - birds in the Bible. Her editor should have taken her aside and encouraged her to do some real scholarship - what did ancient rabbis think about doves? Why were some birds considered clean and others unclean?
In summary, this book is not what you are looking for, if you want to study birds in the Bible. A much better title is, "All the birds of the Bible;: Their stories, identification and meaning" by Alice Parmelee."
Product details

Tags : The Birds of the Bible [Gene Stratton-Porter] on . Gene Stratton-Porter, the Indiana novelist and bird lover, offers the fruits of several years' loving labor in “Birds of the Bibleâ€,Gene Stratton-Porter,The Birds of the Bible,Jazzybee Verlag,3849689123,NATURE / Animals / Birds
The Birds of the Bible Gene StrattonPorter 9783849689124 Books Reviews :
The Birds of the Bible Gene StrattonPorter 9783849689124 Books Reviews
- I was initially delighted to find a copy of this 100-year-old book for $11.62, as I thought it might be unobtainable. However, I almost wish I had put the money toward an antique book instead.
Just a word of warning about the quality of the printing. This book has been scanned and reprinted. Paper is fresh and new, cover is fine, and the content is the same as the original book from 1909. The reproduction of photos is particularly bad, most being just dark blobs. I could make better prints than that on the old church office Xerox machine in the early 1980's, so I don't know why they didn't take more care. The type is varied, light and dark, not the best, but totally legible. I was grateful for the content, which I am able to use, but disappointed in the reproduction of the book.
Dale - My mother-in-law has always wanted to read this book, because she likes the authors other works, 'Freckles' and 'A Girl of the Limberlost', so when I saw it on , I knew it would make an absolutely perfect gift for Mother's Day. I was right, she loved it!!
- Excellent quality copy, great value/price from seller. Accurate description
- Very nice book.
- My daughter has autism and she has developed an intense interest in birds and ornithology. Our family has also been very much involved in church, spiritual development, and Bible studies. So naturally, we were drawn to this title - birds and the Bible. And for just 99 cents as an e-book - why not?
For a serious student of the Bible, this book is almost worthless. The author doesn't seem to understand, or make distinctions between, actual Scriptural references and apocryphal stories. She also stumbles back and forth between evolutionary ideas and creations accounts - not seeming to understand either. Now maybe the material is dated, since she wrote in the early 1900s. Moreover, she spends almost as much time waxing philosophical about Greek mythology and other miscellaneous topics, as she does on the topic at hand - birds in the Bible. Her editor should have taken her aside and encouraged her to do some real scholarship - what did ancient rabbis think about doves? Why were some birds considered clean and others unclean?
In summary, this book is not what you are looking for, if you want to study birds in the Bible. A much better title is, "All the birds of the Bible; Their stories, identification and meaning" by Alice Parmelee.