Read Online Trilingual by Six The sane way to raise intelligent talented children Lennis Dippel MD 9780692587713 Books

For parents who want their children to become intelligent and successful, accepting the common dogma might not be the best idea. Academic preschools will gladly take your money, but most leading experts do not feel that early reading or math confers any long-term educational advantage.
Languages, on the other hand, are different. While it's not a popular or reaffirming observation, a child who isn't already multilingual by the first grade, probably never will be...particularly in the American setting.
Harder-hitting than your typical language book, Trilingual by Six explores this still controversial reality and meticulously develops a very novel plan of action for parents who want to do something about it. In the modern, increasingly global age, virtually all speaking children can grow up multilingual, and their future careers may very well depend on it. All they need is an astute parent who has managed to connect a few simple dots, who has discovered the overlooked but absolutely abundant resources right in the neighborhood.
Read Online Trilingual by Six The sane way to raise intelligent talented children Lennis Dippel MD 9780692587713 Books
"I never like when the authors are aggressive to introduce a “good idea†this book lost my attention in the first chapter."
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Tags : Trilingual by Six The sane way to raise intelligent, talented children [Lennis Dippel MD] on . For parents who want their children to become intelligent and successful, accepting the common dogma might not be the best idea. Academic preschools will gladly take your money,Lennis Dippel MD,Trilingual by Six The sane way to raise intelligent, talented children,Lennis Dippel,0692587713,FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / General,Parenting Relationships / Babysitting, Day Care Child Care,Schools Teaching / Parent Participation
Trilingual by Six The sane way to raise intelligent talented children Lennis Dippel MD 9780692587713 Books Reviews :
Trilingual by Six The sane way to raise intelligent talented children Lennis Dippel MD 9780692587713 Books Reviews
- Confessions first -- I have known Len Dippel since we were in college, and was also his classmate in medical school, so I will admit to more than a little bias.
Facts second -- I have also known Len to be one of the most insightful people I have ever met.
Opinions last --- This is a great introduction to the possibility of raising children who are conversant in more than one language. It's not easy, but by shifting one's focus away from the test-taking, score-making mentality that we Americans have fallen into over the past few decades it is certainly easier than it sounds. My children are in their twenties now, and although they are each bright, capable, and engaging it is clear that they are not likely to become conversant in another language during their adulthood. They are in good company -- neither did I -- but the data presented in this book makes it clear that there are many, many things my wife and I could have done slightly differently to have helped them on their education journey. Read this for the insights offered, the clarity of the facts presented, and the opportunity to perhaps influence your own children or grandchildren! - As someone who has studied eight languages formally and worked often as an ESL tutor and teacher, I've always had a passionate interest in linguistics. I had prided myself on being up to date on the best ways to teach and learn foreign languages for both children and adults, and found myself somewhat skeptical that children can be trilingual before age six. If it can be done, why isn't anyone else doing it? Surely conventional wisdom, and all of formal language training, can't be THAT wrong.
Dippel, somehow, turned everything I knew about foreign language acquisition on its head. Reviewing all available scientific linguistic literature with his characteristic modesty and humor, Dippel convinced me that not only did all of formal language training miss the boat, it was never near the right time to board in the first place. If you think about it, how many of us can speak a foreign language fluently from taking classes or listening to audio-visual media? The best we get from that is broken phrases. If you want your children to be natively fluent in multiple languages, you have to capitalize on the time when their brains are deep in the throes of primary language learning when they are still babies. It makes sense. That's when they are biologically most malleable to language formation.
But who has time or resources to teach babies? And what if the parent doesn't speak any other languages? Dippel, again, has the answer--an answer that isn't just conjecture derived from ivory towers, but one that he has successfully implemented himself with his own children immigrant babysitters.
Through surprisingly moving and warm portraits of his family and people he has met, he helps us see immigrant enclaves as untapped language resources. He explains how to make connections with these new global neighbors and form lasting friendships of a lifetime--all while turning your tykes into impressive language whizzes with highly competitive fluency skills.
Dippel, a medical doctor of the best kind, manages to bridge theory and practice, and weave a potentially dry prescriptive self-help book into a touching, compassionate, human narrative that changes the way you are going to see both the language and the immigrant world. He will also reinforce the kindest parenting inspiration this side of the Dalai Lama. It's not just about languages; it is bringing out the best in our kids in a gentle and nurturing environment.
If you are serious at all about raising children who are multilingual, and you can only buy one book, buy this one. It will blow your mind. - This book is so informative! Dr. Dippel shared his research and knowledge in a very passionate way as a parent and a writer. I would share and recommend this book to friends and to everyone. The author had shared effective strategies, concepts, best resources and outside the box ideas that will help to raise children and students to become multilingual or trilingual.
I admire the author's passion for sharing his time, research, and success as a parent by writing this book. I also agree with his views and emphasis on what he called "language babysitters" as a secret weapon and what impact they can have on children's lives. This book is a must to read! Go get your copy!
Evangeline and Jonathan - What makes this a fantastic resource for parents of young children, educators, and foreign language enthusiasts? It is the combination of the authors' anecdotal failures and successes combined with the critical evaluation of language education research, the resources of the internet and your local community, the practical suggestions for family vacations and passive entertainment, and the gentle encouragement as if he were communicating to you as a personal mentor. Get it, read it, share it, then do it. The phrase, "It's never too late too start" does not apply to language fluency.
- I wish my parents had read this! It doesn't have to be difficult or expensive to provide your children with the resources to become more successful.
- I never like when the authors are aggressive to introduce a “good idea†this book lost my attention in the first chapter.
- Excellent read. The author has not only done his research, but also had personal experience with his own kids.
- I really liked this book, but it seems somewhat reductive in the recommendations it makes. Still, my family will likely use this program.