» Download PDF The US Navy Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance Secret Space Programs Volume 2 Audible Audio Edition Michael Salla Bradley Duffy Exopolitics Consultants Books
Sisca R. Bakara on Sunday, May 19, 2019
Download PDF The US Navy Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance Secret Space Programs Volume 2 Audible Audio Edition Michael Salla Bradley Duffy Exopolitics Consultants Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 8 hours and 36 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Exopolitics Consultants
- Audible.com Release Date March 11, 2019
- Whispersync for Voice Ready
- Language English, English

The US Navy Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance Secret Space Programs Volume 2 Audible Audio Edition Michael Salla Bradley Duffy Exopolitics Consultants Books Reviews
- Everything or most everything humanity needs to know about aliens and their interaction with modern humanity is found in this book. Buy it. Read it in depth. Then prepare to spend days in deep thought digesting what you will learn. I'm now in that last phase myself. The information is right up to date as of early 2017. The 2016 American election of trump and the Russian connection is even covered. The navy secret space fleets as well as the other secret space fleets and programs are covered in depth as is their relationship with the various off-earth civilizations.
I often read a book and come away confused or left hanging. But not with this book. I am however left with a desire to learn more, and more in depth. If only the organizations that are allowing or pushing this disclosure initiative would just quit pussy footing around with book authors and soft disclosure through scifi movies and tv series would just call an official press conference, tell us everything up front and have 60 minutes in to run a full exposay then we could all know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We CAN handle the truth. It's well past time!
I personally have been reading flying saucer books and ancient Atlantis books since I was a teen. Now I'm 70. Let's get this done while I'm still alive. - In the first 80% of the book the author presents a well researched and documented effort that lays out the claim that there are several secret space programs currently in existence. If even 10% of this is true it changes our civilization as we know it. But the information from William Tompkins is documented by the author with copies presented in the book and usually backed by other sources. This means its very likely there are numerous secret space programs running parallel. It would explain many of the sightings people have and the claim that some times the occupants are human.
The last 20% of the book the author begins to push the envelope with claims from others in these secret space programs but lacking the evidence or supporting documents. In some instances we can see how it ties back to the evidence provided William Tompkins. But in some places the author leaves it for the reader to decide how much to believe.
Anyway, I suggest people read this book and decide for themselves. Just keep in mind that some of what the book presents are documented facts, then from those facts - supported by other evidence and witnesses - we can draw conclusions, but in some instances the book has to rely on claims which were not or cannot be supported (Corey Goode). It will be up to the reader to decide how much weight they choose to give to the unsupported claims. - Sometimes you have to wonder, as I often do, if negative reviews of sensational claims aren’t sometimes made by those whose only goal is to discredit things that they know to be wholly or partially true. Especially when said reviews either don’t seem to comprehend what was said, or extra hard efforts are made to twist things in order to convince people that something different was said altogether.
With that said, this book belongs in anybody’s top 3 of all “hidden agenda†books- not just because of all the official documents provided that back up Salla’s research or Tompkins’ testimony, or the fact that there are others besides Corey Goode who back up many of the claims made regarding the Navy’s true space capabilities at this point- but because it is the history of WWII and the space program that we were never taught. This book (and NO one source) should never be looked at as the be-all end-all of proof of existence of secret space programs.. but more as a tool in one’s arsenal of knowledge. The author goes to much length to authenticate certain documents and leaves it to the reader to decide on those few he is not sure about.
Things to keep in mind when reading this book the US Navy was already involved in building flying aircraft carriers (Akron/Macon) in the 1920’s, so it’s absolutely reasonable they would want to build a permanent space presence large enough to at the very least be a defense against potential alien attacks.. especially with the hundreds of UFO sightings being reported. Also, to rebut a particular negative review with more than one misleading/false statement- the book doesn’t say the Navy was building the kilometer-long fleets in 1952- that’s when Tompkins says the design process started and it lasted over a decade. Operational since the 80’s, Solar Warden’s existence has also been exposed by others like British hacker Gary McKinnon in the 2000’s when he hacked directly into NASA (also proving NASA’s involvement or knowledge of). Additionally, the idea that the Military Industrial Complex can’t hide black budget money from Congress is not based in reality. There was a little headline in 2001 where Rumsfeld said “2.3 trillion dollars is completely unaccounted for,†and a recent Wapo investigation found the Pentagon buried a report of $125 bil gone missing. The Pentagon has never been audited. $10 TRILLION has gone unaccounted for since ‘96. Some of that money unquestionably has gone for special access programs the public will never know about. Lastly, Salla explains in great detail how Roddenberry was allied with a writer who was in intelligence, and whose father was a major player in the early stages of military SSP development. Leaked and FOIA docs also prove that the government has always been into “soft disclosure†as a means of discrediting.. In fact many major movies and ideas are screened or even suggested by government officials in advance to help their agenda.
Bottom line is DON’T listen to the negative reviews- read it yourself, and further validate the claims for yourself by researching other sources who help back up some of what is said. The likelihood of a man in his 90’s suddenly coming out with the story for “attention†or monetary gain is much more ridiculous than the idea that he’s telling the truth, and the evidence provided is astonishing. This book, added to what I’ve already known about the biggest coverup of our time, changed my outlook on everything! RIP William Tompkins - As a retired military officer I cannot (and will not) comment on the contents of this book.
The author is excellent. I will order his other books. - Well written & well researched. Can't remember when I've assigned a 5 star designation. Too bad that more people don't take the time to inform themselves and look behind the scenes as author Michaael Salla has done so aptly. Things like free energy and technology light years beyond what we're using now would have been available to everyone rather than the preserve of the elite, wealthy & powerful few.